ComStar Intercepts for 09/17/2015

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Sep 17, 2015 7:00 PM UTC 6  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

ComStar Communications Officers have picked up transmissions from House Steiner and Clan Jade Falcon leadership.

House Steiner succeeded in taking Epsilon from House Marik
  • 4,000,000 C-Bills will be provided to eligible pilots at 3:10 PM PDT (10:10 PM UTC)

Clan Jade Falcon succeeded in taking Planting from Clan Wolf
  • 4,000,000 C-Bills will be provided to eligible pilots at 3:10 PM PDT (10:10 PM UTC)

All ComStar Intercepts can be found in the ComStar Intercepts sub-forum.