PayPal Credit Status Update

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Sep 28, 2015 6:00 PM UTC 21  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

As you may already know, PayPal Credit is not yet available for MechWarrior Online purchases under the new Xsolla portal. When attempting to process a transaction with PayPal Credit the majority of players receive a message that they need to return to PayPal to select a different funding source.
We are in the process of working with Xsolla and PayPal to resolve this, as there appears to be a technical issue preventing integration of PayPal Credit.

PayPal is currently requesting that PayPal Credit users provide us with the source code of the transaction failure/funding source error page.

If you have recently submitted a ticket to regarding issues with PayPal Credit, we may follow up with you with the steps required to get the information that PayPal has requested.

If you are a PayPal Credit user, but have not recently submitted a ticket about these issues, and if you're up for running through some minor technical steps to help us get the information required for PayPal, please send off a ticket to with the subject heading 'PayPal Credit issue'.